Video: Duda and Steinmeier emphasize German-Polish friendship

STORY: After tensions about the deployment of German air defense systems to Poland, the presidents of both countries demonstratively emphasize the German-Polish friendship. On Monday in Berlin, Poland’s Andrzej Duda indirectly distanced himself from anti-German tones that had recently been expressed by the Polish governing party PiS, of which he is also a member. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier also emphasized that the German-Polish relationship is central to the future of Europe. In government circles in Berlin, Duda’s visit is seen as a signal that the Polish government is trying to improve the mood, even if the President does not play a central political role in Poland. Both presidents praised the decision to deploy three Patriot anti-aircraft batteries in Poland. Duda demanded their integration into the Polish air defense command. Both presidents also underlined the joint support for Ukraine in its defensive struggle against Russia.


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