Video: Dispute over Assange’s health continues

The dispute over Assange’s health continues

In the legal dispute over the founder of the Wikileaks disclosure platform Julian Assange, the USA again demanded the extradition of the 50-year-old. Wrong conclusions had been drawn about Assange’s health and his risk of suicide, said attorney James Lewis, who represents the US government, in front of the appeals court on Wednesday. A London court had already rejected the US extradition request in January with regard to the attacked mental health and the expected prison conditions in the US. Supporters of the journalist stood before the court of appeal. His fiancée Stella Moris also spoke up. “I’m very worried about Julien’s health, I saw him on Saturday. He’s very emaciated and I hope the courts will end this nightmare that Julien can come home soon.” The US judiciary wants to prosecute the native Australian for espionage allegations. Assange faces up to 175 years in prison. He is accused of stealing and publishing secret material from US military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq together with whistleblower Chelsea Manning. In doing so, he put US informants at risk. His supporters see him as an investigative journalist who brought war crimes to light. The appeal process is due to continue on Thursday. A decision could take a lot longer, however.


The US judiciary wants to bring the 50-year-old Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to trial on allegations of espionage. A London court refuses to extradite the Australian.

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