Video: Cuba remains tough on government critics

It will not be made easy for anyone who wants to criticize the government in Cuba. Yunior Garcia, a dramaturge and activist in a movement that is fighting for more freedom and democracy in his country, has also experienced this. “My house is under siege” read a sign that Garcia put in his window on Sunday, the day before a long-planned demonstration. A “Citizens’ March for Change” had been planned for Monday, which Garcia wanted to join. But his plan was thwarted. “My house is under siege. The whole building is surrounded by agents of the state who pretend to be civilians, as always, that no longer surprises Cubans. Their cars are on every corner, and groups downstairs in front of the house. “And apparently also on his house, from where Garcia’s windows were draped with national flags. For the time being, there was only one large pro-democracy demonstration abroad. In Miami, for example, one Stronghold of the Cuban exiles, hundreds of people came together to show their solidarity with those suffering from the hard hand of the Cuban government. Journalist Serafin Moran says: “We want to tell people that they are not alone, we are here, we that we suffered from the old dictatorship and that we suffer from the new dictatorship and that we will not be admitted to our families. “Anyone who wants to demonstrate in Cuba is allowed to do so, as long as they are doing it for the revolution, that is for the government:” We are defending our revolution, our inevitable socialist process, “says student Daniel Alonso, who says it was pure coincidence that he did and his group demonstrate in front of the house of activist Garcia. President Miguel Diaz-Canel, seen here on state television footage with supporters, had banned the march with an often used argument: The demonstration was part of a destabilization campaign launched by the United States against Since the summer there have been more demonstrations and open criticism of the government in Cuba than at any time since the victory of the revolution in 1959. Human rights groups report thousands of demonstrators who have been arrested and some are still in custody.


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