Video: Climate protest causes frustration among Cologne drivers

STORY: One still got through – then there was a shift on this street in Cologne. Climate activists from the group “Last Generation” caused traffic jams again on Friday. Just a few seconds and a few of them got stuck on the tarmac. Honking, swearing or pleading won’t help, this road is closed for now. For months, the “Last Generation” has been attracting attention with adhesive campaigns. She calls on the government to act quickly to stop climate change. However, many drivers fear the blockages and the resulting traffic chaos. Protest meets protest. “We no longer have each other. This is against each other. That’s a valid reason, but not the way. That’s not how we treat each other.” “In principle, it doesn’t do anything. The cars are stuck here. They all burn more petrol now, diesel than on the normal road. And they think, so what does it mean to think, they claim that we are thinking of ourselves. In this case, at this moment, they only think of themselves while they are sitting there.” One can understand the anger, so the demonstrators. But that doesn’t change anything about the actions. “It’s about the livelihood of all of us and the livelihood of the children and the children’s children. That they can still hope for a future. And of course I understand people’s anger when we’re in their way and the emotions that are there right now. But I also know very well that I am also sitting here for their children and doing the right thing.” The campaign in Cologne lasted around two hours on Friday. Sticky hands were loosened by police and protesters were carried away. It won’t be the last time.


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