Video: Biden: Russia’s war in Ukraine amounts to genocide

Biden: Russia’s war in Ukraine amounts to genocide

STORY: US President Joe Biden called the war in Ukraine a genocide for the first time. Accordingly, he told journalists in the US state of Iowa on Tuesday: “Yes, I called it genocide because it is becoming increasingly clear that Putin is simply trying to erase the idea of ​​being Ukrainian at all. And the evidence is piling up itself. A little different from last week. But more and more evidence is coming to light of the terrible things the Russians did in Ukraine. And we will learn more and more about the devastation. We leave it to the lawyers to take international action decide whether it’s a crime or not, but it seems so to me. Thank you.” Biden had previously repeatedly called Russian President Vladimir Putin a war criminal, but so far has not said Russia is committing genocide in Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy praised Biden’s words: “Calling things by their proper name is important if you want to stand up to evil,” he wrote on Twitter.


US President Joe Biden had previously repeatedly called Russian President Vladimir Putin a war criminal.

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