Video: Biden and Putin talking on the phone

Biden and Putin are on the phone

US President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin met on Thursday for the second time this month. Both heads of state have warned of an escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, American and Russian officials announced. According to US government officials, the phone call lasted around 50 minutes. The US Presidential Office spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Biden had made it clear that the United States and its allies would react decisively if Russia continued to invade Ukraine. “Putin warned of sanctions that they were a big mistake and that they could destroy relations between countries. An adviser to the Kremlin said Russia was satisfied with the phone call, including security guarantees Moscow is demanding from the West. Both sides are optimistic that the upcoming talks in January will ease the situation Relations between Russia and the West have deteriorated over the past few years due to a number of issues, most recently the Ukraine conflict, with tens of thousands of Russian soldiers marching near the border with the Ex-Soviet republic has in the past W Even worries about an invasion were fueled. The leadership in Moscow denies alleged plans to attack Ukraine and insists on their right to move troops on their own territory as they please.


The conversation focused on the Ukraine conflict.

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