Video: Berlinale despite Corona |

Berlinale despite Corona

The red carpet has been rolled out – and the Berlin Film Festival can begin. The official opening is on Thursday. After last year’s Berlinale was a purely online event, stars, audiences and journalists are expected to attend the cinema spectacle again this year. However, strict corona measures apply. In order to ensure sufficient distancing, the seating capacity in the festival cinemas has been reduced by 50% and no parties will be organised. Viewers must be vaccinated or have recently recovered from COVID-19 infection, wear a mask and have a negative test result. This year, 18 films compete for the Golden and Silver Bears. The topic of love dominates the entries in the main competition. And less the hard, political dramas that the Berlinale is known for. Film connoisseur Scott Roxborough from the Hollywood Reporter on his expectations. “I think Berlin is maybe a bit smaller this year in terms of the type of films in competition and in the main presentation, a bit more focused on the art house, even more than in previous years. There aren’t any big ones Studio films. There is only one film from one studio, The Outfit starring Mark Rylance. The emphasis is on art house, particularly European art house. I think there are some very interesting films this year, but if there are When it comes to the big, exciting films that attract a lot of attention at these film festivals, then they are missing here in Berlin.” In addition, the Berlinale is a little shorter than usual this year. The awards ceremony is scheduled for February 16. And then you also know who gets the Golden and Silver Bears.


With the Berlinale, one of the largest film festivals in the world begins this Thursday.

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