Video: Before the General Assembly on Russian annexations: Baerbock relies on a unified response from the United Nations

STORY: NOTE: This post will be sent to you with no narration. O-TON ANNALENA BAERBOCK (THE GREENS), GERMAN FOREIGN MINISTER “A war that is taking place in Europe, but the whole world is suffering from the consequences. Not only in the form of massively increased prices for food and energy, but also because with the blatant breach of the UN Charter has made the world more unsafe for all of us, for every country in the world, so next week every single vote in the UN General Assembly on the resolution on the illegal annexation of Ukrainian lands will count to clearly support Russia make: These areas belong to Ukraine.” “And so, on the one hand, this nuclear threat that the Russian President is making is nothing entirely new, because he has made it before in the last few months, but it remains irresponsible. And since the entire world community opposes it, here yes again underlined at this press conference from different regions. That is the important answer that we must give together, that the international community does not accept the most brutal breach of our global peace order.”


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