Video: Attacks on Ukraine – Scholz speaks of the Russian crusade

STORY: Airstrikes on Ukraine continue unabated. More than 40 cities were hit by Russian missiles within 24 hours, according to the Ukrainian army general staff on Thursday. Mykolayiv in the south of the country was apparently one of the most heavily attacked cities. According to the local mayor, among other things, a five-storey residential building was hit. The pictures released by the Ukrainian side are said to show how a 12-year-old boy is rescued by helpers after waiting for hours under the rubble. According to official information, there were also attacks in the region around the capital Kyiv, some with drones. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy said in a question-and-answer session with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe that his country only has 10 percent of what it needs for air defense. In order to support Ukraine, European NATO countries are planning to procure an air defense system. Germany and 13 other countries signed a corresponding declaration of intent. Chancellor Scholz meanwhile said that this war is not just about Ukraine. Rather, the Russian leadership sees the war as “part of a larger crusade” against the West. Moscow is fighting against liberal democracy, a rule-based international order, against freedom and progress. That is why Ukraine must assert itself, said Scholz in Berlin.


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