Video: Agency – hacker attack to blame for gasoline failure in Iran

Agency – hacker attack blamed for gasoline failure in Iran

One day after the hacker attack on the gas station network in Iran, the gasoline supply in the country is fully restored, according to state media. She is running normally again, the official Irna news agency reported on Wednesday. The hacker attack on Tuesday affected 4,300 gas stations. A representative of the agency’s internet regulator said the mastermind and the background to the attack are still the subject of the investigation. On Monday, a hacker attack had largely paralyzed the gas station network across the country and restricted the gasoline supply. Only about ten percent of the gas stations were able to continue operating, as reported by state television. According to the oil ministry, sales of cheaper, rationed gasoline through petrol station cards were affected. The disruptions came a few days before the anniversary of a gasoline price hike in November 2019 that sparked widespread street protests. Iran has blamed the US and Israel for hacker attacks in the past. Conversely, the USA and other Western countries accuse Iran of attacking their IT systems.


Only about ten percent of the gas stations were able to continue operating on Monday, as reported by state television.

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