Viagra has a protective effect on the heart, according to a study – FITBOOK

Viagra apparently has many advantages: According to a new study, the blue pill against erectile dysfunction is also intended to protect the heart and thus protect men from premature death. what’s up

A recent observational study from the University of Southern California concludes that Viagra does more for your health than just eliminating erectile dysfunction. Because apparently the so-called phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor (PDE-5i) not only ensures a stable blood flow in the lumbar region, but also throughout the body, which ultimately benefits the cardiovascular system. Incidentally, the treatment of coronary heart disease was the originally intended indication for Viagra.

Study with 70,000 men

The researchers examined health records of 70,000 men (median age 52 years) diagnosed with erectile dysfunction between 2006 and 2020. They evaluated who was prescribed Viagra and who developed heart problems over the years. Factors such as height, weight and medical history were also taken into account. Finally, data from 23,000 men taking Viagra were compared to 48,000 men receiving non-drug therapy. The study was published in the journal “Journal of Sexual Medicine”.1

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Amazing results

The exact evaluation showed that Viagra users

  • suffered 13 percent less severe cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack or heart failure,
  • had a 39 percent lower death rate from cardiovascular disease,
  • were 25 percent less likely to die early.

On top of that, men with higher or regular Viagra doses seemed to be better protected than occasional users.

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Possible reasons

According to researchers, why Viagra has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system could be due to the fact that the increased blood flow, which is supposed to ensure an erection, affects the whole body. In other words: the heart, lungs and arteries are better supplied with blood, which improves the overall health of the blood vessels. A similar result was already reached Study by the Swedish Karolinska Institute from the year 2021.

The positive effects on the vessels can even affect the brain. In addition, the active ingredient sildenafil contained in Viagra is said to block certain proteins that are associated with the development of Alzheimer’s (FITBOOK reported).

A healthier heart thanks to Viagra?

The results sound almost too good to be true, and yet the study has limitations. Unfortunately, it cannot be conclusively medically confirmed that Viagra not only sweetens certain hours, but also prolongs life and protects the heart. Because, as always, an observational study cannot prove the direct connection between cause and effect. Furthermore, the study authors note that men who take Viagra value an enjoyable sex life despite limitations. Sexually active people are usually healthier and therefore live longer, it is said – so the effect could also be related to this. A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study of sufficient power would have to be conducted to truly determine whether Viagra actually provides a healthier heart.

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Critical classification of the study

Finally, it should be mentioned that the study was co-financed by Sanofi. The French pharmaceutical company is currently campaigning for a prescription-free version of its drug against erectile dysfunction, which is offered under the name “Cialis”.2 And in fact, Viagra and Co. could be released in the near future. On 25 January, for example, a panel of experts from the BfArM medicines authority in Bonn will be deliberating on the release of the active ingredient sildenafil from the prescription requirement (FITBOOK reported).


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