Very tense demonstration in Luxembourg against health measures

The measures put in place to fight against the spread of the coronavirus arouse the anger of part of the population in Luxembourg. Several hundred people demonstrated on Saturday against the health restrictions linked to Covid-19 adopted in the Grand Duchy, under close surveillance by the police who used a water cannon and carried out arrests.

“No to these liberticidal laws”, “No to this indirect vaccination obligation” proclaimed the signs of the demonstrators, numbering about 500 according to the police, who marched chanting “Liberty, Liberty, Liberty”. The gathering, flown over by a helicopter and drones, was strictly supervised by Luxembourg police, supported by reinforcements from neighboring Belgium.

Setting up a health pass

The police tried not to relive the excesses that occurred on Saturday, December 4 during a similar demonstration. The protesters then forced the entrance to a Christmas market and threw eggs at the home of Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, demanding his resignation. This time the police therefore used a water cannon to repel a group of demonstrators who were trying to force the roadblock blocking access to the city center by throwing firecrackers and smoke bombs. A dozen people were arrested, according to the police.

Restriction measures were recently tightened in Luxembourg with the obligation to present a health pass, certifying that its holder is vaccinated or cured, in the leisure sector, and no longer just a negative test. In addition, a vaccination certificate or a negative test of less than 48 hours will be required in companies from January 15. Hospitalizations in intensive care as well as contaminations have increased over the past two weeks in the Grand Duchy where 78% of those over 12 are vaccinated.

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