Verona and Franjo Pooth: The couple sends a vaccination appeal

Verona and Franjo Pooth
The couple sends a vaccination appeal

Verona and Franjo Pooth have been married since 2004.

© imago images / POP-EYE

Verona Pooth called on her Instagram followers to vaccinate after receiving a booster vaccination.

Verona Pooth (53) has with an Instagram post announced that she and husband Franjo Pooth (52) got their booster vaccinations in the fight against the corona pandemic. “Franjo and I have been vaccinated twice and have been boosted since today. And not just for our protection, but also for the protection of everyone,” the 53-year-old writes about two photos and two videos that show the two of them with syringes in their arms.

Stars give praise

In her opinion, it is “the only way we currently have to be able to lead a reasonably normal life again,” explains Pooth in the post. “To do this, we all have to get vaccinated together. Otherwise we have no chance of getting the pandemic under control.”

Verona Pooth received a lot of praise for her call from some stars like Jana Ina Zarrella (44), Nazan Eckes (45) or Simone Thomalla (56), who commented on the post with applause emojis.


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