ver.di media information: Collective bargaining round Deutsche Telekom: Improved offer from employers…

Collective bargaining round Deutsche Telekom: Improved offer from employers – fourth round of negotiations extended until Friday

In the fourth round of collective bargaining for Deutsche Telekom, employers presented an improved offer this evening in Potsdam. “We appreciate that the employers have put an offer on the table that makes movement towards us visible,” said ver.di negotiator Frank Sauerland. “The new offer is a step in the right direction, but not yet sufficient to reach an agreement. This applies, for example, to the proposed percentage increase in fees or the shortening of the term compared to the previous offer. But the offer is a basis for extending the fourth round of negotiations in order to avoid an escalation of the collective bargaining dispute. In order to reach an agreement, all components must be reworked.” Both sides have agreed to extend the current fourth round of collective bargaining until Friday (May 17, 2024).

In this year’s collective bargaining round, ver.di is demanding a wage increase of 12 percent for around 70,000 collective bargaining employees nationwide, but at least by 400 euros per month, with a term of the collective agreement of twelve months. The training allowances and the salaries of dual students are to be increased by 185 euros per month.


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