Vacation and Corona: The Travel Rules in Europe – Travel

In the summer of 2021, many people want to go abroad again and enjoy the most carefree vacation possible. However, the European countries still have very different rules for entry.

Is it necessary to register electronically in advance? Does a negative PCR test or antigen test have to be presented upon entry, what are the exceptions for vaccinated, convalescent or children? Who has to be in quarantine for how long, can this be shortened by a test? And is the target country currently considered a high-risk area or even virus variant area?

The Foreign Office (AA) collects this and other information. The SZ bundles important information on the applicable rules in a map, further details can be read directly via links in the respective travel and safety information of the AA for the country you are looking for. Rules change rapidly during the pandemic, so it is advisable to keep up-to-date before and during a trip.

Click on a country on the map to see information on the respective entry rules:


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