USA: This is how the most important election in 2024 works – politics

The primary elections in the USA begin in January. This is where it will be decided who will be allowed to run for the office of president in the fall. Could Donald Trump’s candidacy still fail? And what are the prospects of the Democrats replacing Joe Biden after all? An overview.

The presidential election will not take place until November 5, 2024. Nevertheless, the election campaign in the USA is already getting out of hand. Donald Trump provokes with Hitler quotes and dictator jokes; The ex-president must first prevail in a primary election against challengers from his own party in order to become the official Republican candidate. He tries to use provocations to stand out from the competition, and according to surveys, he has had some success: he is the favorite by a wide margin. In the primary election, the two major parties choose their presidential candidates in each of the 50 states and in the capital Washington – so far almost exclusively men.

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