USA: passers-by lift accident car from trapped motorcyclist

See the video: passers-by lift the car from the trapped accident victim with combined forces.

Dramatic video from a traffic camera in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina: For unknown reasons, a car hits a motorcycle at an empty intersection, the rear wheel levers the vehicle up and buries the driver. The passenger can save herself. What then happens makes you believe in the good in people again, so to speak. Passers-by rushed in from all directions to help the motorcyclist who was trapped. Police officers also arrive at the scene of the accident. One of them starts to lift the truck, which weighs tons, sideways. More and more helpers take part until the car lifts a little bit. Just enough to be able to pull the biker out slightly injured. The authorities took the rescue operation as an opportunity to urge drivers to drive defensively.

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