USA: Joe Biden plans superlative wind power offensive

United States
Biden’s superlative energy offensive: wind farms planned along almost the entire US coast

US President Joe Biden

© SARAH SILBIGER // Picture Alliance

The US government of President Biden wants to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and invest massively in wind power. The plans are ambitious – but can they also be implemented?

Within the next few years, seven large wind farms are to be built along the US coast, which could generate enough electricity for millions of households and create tens of thousands of jobs.

According to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, who reported on President Joe Biden’s plans at a wind power industry conference in Boston, her department will now begin to identify suitable federal waters on the east and west coasts and in the Gulf of Mexico . The aim is to lease it by 2025. The New York Times and the Guardian reported on the plans.

The wind farms would be built along practically the entire coast of the United States. According to Interior Minister Haaland, the systems could save around 78 million tons of climate-damaging carbon dioxide emissions, supply around ten million households with electricity and create up to 77,000 jobs.

“The Ministry of the Interior is presenting an ambitious roadmap to move the government’s plans forward,” said Haaland. The aim is to counter climate change, create well-paid jobs and accelerate the country’s transition to a cleaner energy future. Her ministry is working with other federal authorities to increase the production of renewable energies on public land. By 2025, at least 25 gigawatts of electricity from wind and solar energy should be generated on land, according to Haaland.

Climate expert: Biden’s goals are “ambitious but achievable”

The offensive is intended to contribute to President Biden’s plan to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels in the USA and to expand the green electricity industry. By 2030, fossil fuel emissions are expected to decrease by 50 percent (compared to 2005 levels) in the US.

Wind power is an essential part of the target implementation, said Heather Zichal, once climate expert of the former US President Barack Obama, to the “Guardian”. She believes the White House’s plans are “ambitious but achievable”. The “New York Times” speaks of the “strongest advance” to date by the US government to promote wind energy.

According to the Department of Energy, $ 11.5 million will be spent to investigate the risks that offshore wind turbines could pose to birds, bats, marine mammals and commercial fishing. “In order for Americans who live in coastal areas to take advantage of offshore wind, we need to ensure that the surrounding ecosystem is protected,” said Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, according to a press release. “That is exactly what this investment will do.”

Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that companies will rent the areas in the federal waters in a timely manner and build wind farms, reported the “New York Times”. Once the areas are identified, they may undergo lengthy reviews at the federal, state and local levels. If it turns out that the potential sites endanger animal species, conflict with military activities or harm industries such as tourism, the US government could consider them unsuitable for leasing. In addition, fishermen and coastal landowners are likely to try to stop the projects.

Sources:“The New York Times”, “The Guardian”

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