US government bans Russian antivirus software Kaspersky

Status: 21.06.2024 07:05 a.m.

The US authorities have banned the antivirus program of the Russian company Kaspersky. The decision was justified by Russia’s cyber attack capabilities and possible government influence on Kaspersky.

The US government is banning the Russian antivirus software Kaspersky. A detailed investigation has shown that this is the only way to allay national security concerns, a sub-agency of the US Department of Commerce said.

The sale of Kaspersky software to companies and consumers in the USA will be prohibited from July 20th. From September 29th, Kaspersky will also no longer be allowed to install updates – this would make the software largely useless against new threats. From then on, resale will also be prohibited. The transition period is intended to give customers time to switch to other providers, explained the Bureau of Industry and Security.

Kaspersky denies allegations and wants to defend itself

The reason for the ban is the Russian government’s cyberattack capabilities and their ability to influence Kaspersky’s activities. The company’s software is capable of collecting information from US companies and citizens that could be misused by the Russian government, the agency warned. However, consumers and companies will not face any penalties if they continue to use Kaspersky software.

In an initial reaction, Kaspersky announced legal action to protect its business. It is assumed that the decision was made “based on the current geopolitical climate and theoretical concerns” – and not on an analysis of the company’s software and services. “Kaspersky does not engage in activities that threaten the national security of the USA,” it said in a statement on the online platform X.

In Germany, warnings are also being issued about Kaspersky

Kaspersky, once an internationally respected specialist in PC security, has had a difficult time in the West for years. In the USA, installation on government devices has been banned since 2017.

In Germany, the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) warned against the use of Kaspersky software in March 2022 in connection with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In such a situation, a Russian IT manufacturer could either carry out offensive operations itself or possibly be misused as a tool for cyber attacks without its knowledge, the authority argued. Kaspersky countered that the warning was politically motivated.

Research and documents at the time showed how difficult it was for the BSI to make decisions and how closely the Ministry of the Interior was involved.

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