US election: Nikki Haley continues to steal votes from Donald Trump even though she is no longer running

Is the great reconciliation on the right front imminent? After months of radio silence Donald Trump According to media reports, his former main rivals in the primaries, Ron DeSantismet.

The two Republicans apparently spent Sunday morning together in Miami, as the US newspaper “Washington Post” writes, citing informed circles. The two politicians had breakfast together, reports CNN.

During the meeting, DeSantis called Trump Help with fundraising promised. The 45-year-old ultra-conservative governor of Florida has built up a broad network of wealthy donors whose support Trump could also use in the election campaign.

Advisors to the two politicians now hoped for relaxation between the once bitter opponents. In the internal party race for the presidential election, Trump and DeSantis threw insults at each other. Then DeSantis performed poorly and dropped out of the race. After his withdrawal in January, he announced that he would support the ex-president. According to the report, DeSantis has not yet actively campaigned for Trump.

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