Unterschleißheim – New lines against bacteria in day care center – district of Munich

The problems with bacteria in the drinking water supply of the Unterschleißheim day care center “An der Burg” should now be permanently solved. After more than a year of immediate measures, provisional measures and several solutions, the entire installation is now being renewed. The building committee of the city council unanimously commissioned the work and approved 350,000 euros for it. It should start in the summer holidays.

In November 2020, a bacterium was found in the drinking water, which made immediate measures such as filters necessary. “Various installation errors” were then corrected to fundamentally combat the occurrence, as reported by the municipal building authority. However, the bacterium could not be expelled in this way, which is why an attempt was made to comprehensively disinfect the pipe system, again without success.

Complete renovation was the last resort. This means that fundamental defects in the installation can now also be corrected. Among other things, the hot and cold water pipes were laid directly next to each other in a closed floor duct without insulation from each other, which led to constant heating of the drinking water in the cold water system.

A schedule has now been drawn up so that the complex renovation does not have to be carried out while the kindergarten is in operation. When the day-care center is closed during the summer holidays, work is done six days a week. The rest of the work will then be carried out on a few Saturdays.

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