Unterschleißheim – Climate protectors demonstrate – District of Munich

The local group of Fridays for Future is calling for the climate academy in Unterschleißheim on Friday, August 13th. The demonstration begins at 2 p.m. in Valentinspark near the volleyball courts, should run through the city until around 3:30 p.m. and end at the Lohwald playground. This is followed by a micro-citizens’ council. “This process of grassroots democracy has already been tested with the Climate Citizens’ Council at the federal level and enables a respectful discussion that leads to clear results,” the organizers said. The citizens’ council will be led by experts from Scientists for Future and Fridays for Future Munich. The climate movement in Unterschleißheim want to use this method to discuss possible measures for more climate protection in their city. The citizens’ council starts at 5.30 p.m. and lasts around 90 minutes. All interested parties are invited to the climate academy and the subsequent citizens’ council.


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