Unterföhring starts solar power initiative – district of Munich

Municipality wants to promote or set up photovoltaic systems on roofs, balconies, fields and parking lots.

The community of Unterföhring intends to cover a larger proportion of its electricity needs from solar energy in the future. This was decided by the municipal council in an overarching consensus. He follows several requests from the SPD and FDP.

Two pillars are planned in order to gain as much space as possible and to come closer to the long-term goal of a self-sufficient energy supply. On the one hand, the municipality wants to encourage private individuals and provide practical and financial support to install solar systems on the roofs of their homes or mini solar systems on balconies. Which roofs are suitable for photovoltaics can be seen from the solar cadastre, which can be accessed via the municipal website. The municipality has specified the precise modalities and conditions for subsidies in its energy subsidy program; the revised version will come into force on November 1st and will then be available on the homepage. The community wants to explore with the local farmers to what extent agri-PV systems, i.e. systems for solar power generation on and above cultivated fields, make sense.

At the same time, the municipality undertakes to become active itself. On the one hand, the administration should determine which municipally owned, sealed areas are suitable for photovoltaics, whether it makes sense to cover large parking areas with solar systems or to attach modules to car parks. On the other hand, the community-owned geothermal company Geovol should check whether it can act as an operator of solar systems on third-party roofs.

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