Unterföhring opens a new bike connection – district of Munich

The municipality of Unterföhring is preparing to become a bicycle-friendly municipality. Since Monday, cyclists have been able to cycle through the town from south to north on a route almost continuously, far away from car traffic. Conversely, the route offers a connection to the north of Munich. The previously missing link, a cycle and footpath between the newly created bridge over Mitterfeldallee and the Bahnweg in the south of the village, has now been completed.

Mayor Andreas Kemmelmeyer (PWU) officially opened the new cycle path connection together with Unterföhring’s building yard manager Hans-Jürgen Wohlfeil and Thomas Scholz, head of the technical civil engineering office. The 330 meter long section of paved gravel is four meters wide and is intended to enable pedestrians and cyclists to travel comfortably and safely from the Unterföhring S-Bahn station to Johanneskirchen behind the city limits of Munich. The path is also suitable as a way to school for boys and girls who attend the Unterföhring high school, as it connects to the school campus.

The bridge should connect the campus and the sports park

The municipality of Unterföhring had the bridge over Mitterfeldallee built in 2020 – originally with the intention of connecting the school campus directly with the planned sports park on the other side of Mitterfeldallee. However, the traditionally financially strong media community reluctantly discontinued the prestige project with estimated costs of more than 100 million euros at the end of 2021, out of concern that the costs they would incur for the construction and maintenance of the sports park could get out of hand and overwhelm the municipal budget. The cycle path connection along the planned construction site is now a solution that has received praise.

A delegation from the Working Group of Cycle-Friendly Municipalities in Bavaria (AGFK) recently visited Unterföhring and offered the municipality the prospect of initiating the admission process to the working group. Of course, Unterföhring still has to meet other requirements for this, in particular creating a cycle traffic concept that has been coordinated with the district.

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