Unterföhring – Car sharing vehicles are allowed to park longer – Munich district

The municipality of Unterföhring wants to exempt car-sharing vehicles from the parking time limit in the commercial area east of the S-Bahn. The municipal council decided unanimously at the request of the CSU. At the suggestion of the SPD, an attempt should also be made to expand car sharing offers to other parts of the municipal area.

The commercial area east of the S-Bahn has been a no-stopping zone since July 1, in which parking in marked areas is permitted for three hours with a parking disc. Violations of the new regulation have been punished since August 1st. According to the town hall, the car-sharing provider Share Now, which operated its business without consulting the municipality, also withdrew from the commercial area in response to the three-hour limit. There have also been complaints from motorists who have been fined for ignoring no parking signs.

The CSU’s proposal for parking permits falls through

The CSU had therefore called for the finally decided exception for car sharing providers. Her idea of ​​issuing two-year parking permits for a small fee for companies in the small business park at Beta Street 21 to 33 was unsuccessful. A majority of 14 votes to four rejected this on grounds of equal treatment.

The CSU itself withdrew another demand at the meeting. She had asked for parking surveillance to be dispensed with until all parking spaces had been fully signposted. However, the town hall administration explained that the signage had been implemented in accordance with the legal requirements and that the individual parking bays were not allowed to be signposted in addition to the zone regulation. However, attempts are being made to make the beginning of the zone more clearly recognizable by means of larger signs.

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