Unions and employers will be received in Matignon on September 1 and 2

The start of the school year is getting ready little by little. The leaders of the unions and employers will be received in turn at Matignon on September 1 and 2 for “a complete tour” of the social issues of the start of the school year, several union sources told AFP, confirming information from Les Echos.

“There will be bilateral meetings in Matignon”, certified the secretary general of the CFTC Cyril Chabanier, who will be received by Prime Minister Jean Castex on Thursday, September 2 in the afternoon.

The number one of the CFE-CGC, François Hommeril, for his part indicated that he had “meet on the 1st at 6:00 p.m.”. The major questions that all French people ask themselves will be studied.

The main lines will be discussed

According to Mr. Chabanier, the purpose of these interviews will be “a complete tour” of social news. Even if “the list of subjects is not yet really determined”, the trade unionist expects to mention “the health crisis, aid, unemployment insurance, certainly pensions too”.

The unions remain unanimously opposed to the reform of unemployment insurance, which has been postponed several times because of the Covid-19, then a recent decision of the Council of State, but which Emmanuel Macron wishes to see “fully implemented from the October 1st “.

The head of state also wants to relaunch consultations on pension reform, which the unions do not want to hear about before the presidential election in April 2022.

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