UN General Assembly on Ukraine: hoping for unity

Status: 03/24/2022 03:33 a.m

It was not possible to agree on a text: today the UN General Assembly will vote on two resolutions on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine. Most diplomats are hoping for a clear signal to Russia.

By Antje Passenheim, ARD Studio New York

The more spectators there are, the less each individual feels personally responsible – warned the UN Ambassador of Ukraine, Sergei Kyslytsya. The world community should not look on with indifference. Ukraine is asking them for a clear signal: a resolution that deals with the humanitarian consequences of this war – but which is also clearly aimed at Russia as the aggressor. His envoy Wassili Nebensja dismissed the emergency meeting as another political anti-Russia show.

Worry about global hunger crisis

The resolution in question demands, among other things, “the immediate cessation of hostilities by the Russian Federation against Ukraine.” In particular, all attacks on civilians. Moscow must immediately withdraw its armed forces from Ukraine, attacks on schools and hospitals must stop.

The resolution also expresses concern about a global hunger crisis due to the lack of grain exports from Ukraine. Two dozen diplomats from all parts of the world contributed to it – including Germany. UN Ambassador Antje Leendertse warned: A quarter of the population in Ukraine had already been driven from their homes.

Thousands of refugees from Ukraine

Every day thousands of children arrive in Warsaw, in Moldova, in Berlin. Will they ever see their friends and fathers again? Germany and the European Union would continue to take in all refugees from Ukraine – regardless of their country of origin.

UN Ambassador Leendertse appealed to the states: “But the most effective way to combat political instability, humanitarian crises and global food insecurity is now to call out loud and clear to Russia: Stop this war.”

Resolution of Russia in the Security Council failed

Instead, in a counter-action, Moscow tried to introduce its own humanitarian resolution in the powerful Security Council – albeit without mentioning the military invasion that caused the crisis. As expected, the plan failed due to a lack of a majority. Only China agreed. Diplomats see the action as purely propaganda.

Washington’s UN Ambassador Linda Thomas Greenfield emphasized in the UN General Assembly:

We must have the courage to face the truth here. This war did not come out of nowhere. This humanitarian crisis is not a natural disaster – it is man-made. If you want to do something about it, you have to be clear about it.

South African counter-proposal to the resolution

Those who do not do this allow the aggressor to hide behind bold language and later claim that he was trying to help. Words that were also addressed to South Africa. The country is also introducing a counter-proposal to the resolution. It does not accuse Russia. The version could embarrass some countries that actually condemn the war but are afraid of angering Moscow.

However, the hope of the majority is that as many countries as possible will vote for the actual humanitarian resolution today, in which Russia is clearly named. That would only be a signal – but a clear one, diplomats hope.

UN General Assembly votes on humanitarian Ukraine resolution

Antje Passenheim, ARD New York, 24.3.2022 6:08 a.m

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