Ukraine: Zelensky thanks Germany for arms deliveries

Dhe Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj has thanked Germany, Finland and the Netherlands for the new military aid in the fight against the Russian war of aggression. Germany has delivered the Gepard anti-aircraft tank, 155-caliber artillery shells and other necessary weapons, Zelensky said in his video message distributed in Kiev on Saturday evening. Germany also sent the US Patriot air defense system to Ukraine. Zelensky emphasized that well-functioning anti-aircraft defenses were the key to ending the war.

Ukraine also hopes to regain sovereignty over its own airspace through the announced deliveries of F16 fighter jets next year. So far, Russia is superior. The existing anti-aircraft defenses have recently shown their effectiveness in defending against Russian drones and missiles, said Zelensky. Fighter bombers were also shot down. “The ability to shoot down Russian fighter jets is one of the keys to ending this war justly,” he said. “I would like to thank all the partners who are already supporting us and preparing the necessary steps for help in the coming year.”

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Zelensky also specifically thanked the Netherlands and Finland, which sent additional aid packages of 100 million euros each. He didn’t give any details. The president said that Ukraine had become even stronger in the days before Christmas.

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