Ukraine war: Strongest Russian attacks on Ukraine since January

Ukraine war
Strongest Russian attacks on Ukraine since January

Ukrainian soldiers sit on the front line near Andriyevka in the Donetsk region in September. (archive image) photo

© Mstyslav Chernov/AP

Russia’s war of aggression continues unabated. In the past 24 hours alone, Moscow has shelled 118 locations in Ukraine. People are dying in several parts of the country.

The Russian army has, according to the Ukrainian Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko has shelled more Ukrainian cities and towns in the past 24 hours than he has since the beginning of the year.

The Russians attacked a total of 118 towns in ten regions, Klymenko wrote on Telegram. According to authorities, at least four people were killed and 14 others were injured.

In Kherson, southern Ukraine, a Russian missile struck in the immediate vicinity of residential buildings this morning and killed a city administration employee. According to the local military authorities, two of their colleagues were injured, some seriously. Video footage from the site released by authorities suggested a drone attack due to the severity of the damage and the suspected impact crater. A Russian drone also killed a 59-year-old woman and injured six other people in the Dnipropetrovsk region northeast of Kherson, the regional prosecutor’s office said.

More deaths in the east and northeast

There were further victims in the east and northeast of the country. In the embattled Donetsk region, a 58-year-old man was killed by Russian shelling, while four other people between the ages of 54 and 73 were wounded, according to regional authorities. According to the Ukrainian Interior Minister, there was another death and one injured near the front-line town of Kupyansk in the northeast of the country, which was liberated last year.

In central Ukraine, a so-called Shahed-type kamikaze drone also hit a refinery at dawn and caused a fire. The fire was quickly extinguished and operations are currently shut down, wrote the military governor of the Poltava region, Filip Pronin, on Telegram. So no one was injured.

Russia has been waging a war of aggression against Ukraine for more than 20 months. Russian drone, missile and artillery attacks continue to kill civilians.


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