++ Ukraine war: Russia moves Iskander missiles to the border

  • OfDaniel Dillman


The Ukraine war has been raging for more than two months. Russia is concentrating its attacks on the south of the country. The situation in the morning.

  • Attacks on Odessa: Russia launches missile attack on city in south-west Ukraine.
  • Diplomatic Efforts: The US sends government officials to Kyiv. The UN is trying to find a peaceful solution Ukraine conflict.
  • The situation in the morning: All events in the Ukraine war on Sunday night in our newsticker.

+++ 9:09 a.m.: Ukraine has “repelled numerous Russian attacks along the line of contact in Donbass”. This was reported by the British Ministry of Defense on Sunday. Although the Kremlin can also report territorial gains, the resistance of the defenders in the Ukraine war is anything but broken.

Update, 7:55 a.m.: Russia has started deploying Iskander missile systems near the border with Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, the Russian army has deployed Iskander-M short-range ballistic systems about 60 kilometers from the Ukrainian border.

The missile systems of the Iskander-M class can be equipped with nuclear weapons. The rockets are fired from a vehicle. The range of the missiles is about 500 kilometers.

Ukraine war: Russia completes troop transfer – fierce fighting in Donbass

First report: Kyiv – Russia has probably completed the movement of troops from the front around Kyiv. The Kremlin is now concentrating its attacks on the south and east of the country. Heavy fighting between Ukraine and Russia was reported from both regions during the night.

Vehicles with the Iskander-M in Moscow. Russia is now relocating such missile systems to the border with Ukraine.

© Anton Novoderezhkin/imago

Russia is said to have fired on the port city of Odessa for the first time during the Ukraine war. The city, located in the south-west, had so far been spared from attacks by the Russian army. According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, seven rockets were fired at Odessa on Sunday night. Two were able to intercept the city’s air defenses. One of the other rockets would have hit a multi-story apartment building, among other things. A total of up to 20 people were injured in the rocket attacks on Odessa. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the attacks were aimed at a military airfield in the area. The Russian army managed to destroy a logistics terminal through which Ukraine received “large shipments” of weapons from the United States and Europe.

Ukraine War: Situation in the morning – fierce fighting in Odessa, casualties for Russia

Heavy fighting is also reported from the Donbass in eastern Ukraine. But Russia seems to be suffering great losses there. According to the news portals Kyiv Independent and Ukrayinska Pravda, the Ukrainian air defense system in particular is celebrating great successes. Over the weekend alone, it is said to have shot down four more Russian fighter jets. According to NATO estimates, Russia has now suffered the following losses in the Ukraine war:

  • Soldiers: 21,600
  • Aircraft: 177
  • Helicopters: 154
  • Tanks: 854
  • Armored vehicles: 2205
  • Artillery: 403
  • Anti-aircraft guns: 69
  • Mobile rocket launchers: 143
  • Tankers: 76
  • Tactical drones: 182
  • Ships and boats: 8
  • Other vehicles: 1543

Ukraine War: Situation on Sunday – Diplomatic efforts underway

After numerous top European politicians, the USA is now also sending its highest diplomat to Kyiv. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin travel to the capital to meet Zelenskyy. A “list of the necessary weapons and the speed of their delivery” will be discussed, according to Zelenskyy. He also hopes that the US will support arms deliveries from Germany. “So that they (Germany) start delivering what they have and what they are not using.”

At the same time, efforts are also being made over the weekend and Sunday to resolve the war in Ukraine peacefully after all. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will travel to Moscow earlier this week to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. Guterres also wants to meet Zelenskyj in Kyiv afterwards. The aim of the trip is to agree on a ceasefire between the two sides. (dil/afp/dpa)

List of rubrics: © Anton Novoderezhkin/imago

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