Ukraine requests Taurus cruise missiles from Germany

Status: 05/27/2023 10:11 a.m

According to a media report, Ukraine has asked for more weapon systems from Germany: The federal government should agree to the delivery of Taurus cruise missiles. The Union is for it – the SPD is keeping a low profile.

Ukraine has asked the German government to deliver Taurus cruise missiles. As the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper” reported, the Federal Ministry of Defense confirmed the request from Ukraine. Further details were not known.

The Taurus cruise missiles are guided missiles with a range of up to 500 kilometers. They are dropped from fighter planes and then head for the targets independently. They are also suitable for bypassing radars.

A direct confirmation from the Ukraine that they requested the Taurus delivery is still pending. However, President Volodymyr Zelenskyj emphasized in a video message that he would continue to solicit support from Western partners – and thus also further arms deliveries. “We will do everything possible and impossible to speed up the delivery of more high-quality air defense systems to Ukraine,” Zelenskyy said.

CDUDefense Expert: “Around 150 more operational” Taurus guided missiles

From the ranks of the Union, the CDU defense expert Roderich Kiesewetter backed the option of sending Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine. Thanks to their long range, Ukraine’s missiles could “strike against the Russian military infrastructure far behind the front lines.” Around ten years ago, the Bundeswehr received 600 of the marching bodies, of which around 150 are still operational today.

So far, the traffic light coalition has not responded directly to the delivery requested by Ukraine. A few days ago, Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius only emphasized that he did not want to go into every weapon system and give a hypothetical answer to a hypothetical question. At the same time, the SPD minister declared that he was “of the opinion that we should support Ukraine with all the systems permissible under international law that it needs to win this war and that we are able to provide.”

The federal government is supplying tanks, weapons and ammunition worth more than 2.7 billion euros.

Option for F16 fighter jets?

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has not commented on the Taurus request either. During a visit to the Estonian capital of Tallinn, however, he promised Ukraine continued support – “for as long as necessary”.

Most recently, in the debate about arms deliveries to Ukraine, the federal government spoke out against participating in a so-called fighter jet coalition. These brought Great Britain and Belgium into the conversation. After an initial refusal, the USA also turned around and offered Ukraine F16 fighter jets.

For CDU politician Kiesewetter, these fighter jets could also be equipped with Taurus guided missiles. Experts have assured that the cruise missiles could be adapted to the US F16 without “rocket science”.

At the G7 summit, the Ukrainian President expressed his gratitude for the latest developments in the fighter jet issue.

In his announcement, US President Biden left open whether his country would also deliver the corresponding jets.

No use of German weapons on Russian soil

However, both the United States and Chancellor Scholz make the delivery of weapons to Ukraine subject to one condition: they may not be used on Russian soil. “Russia attacked Ukraine, and that’s why Ukraine can defend itself,” said Scholz in Tallinn. However, he agreed with Zelenskyy that “the weapons that we supplied will only be used on Ukrainian territory”.

US National Security Council communications director John Kirby said: “We have made it clear to the Ukrainians that we do not want US-made, US-provided equipment to be used on Russian soil to infiltrate Russia to attack.”

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