Ukraine-News: Three dead after renewed Russian rocket attacks on Odessa

With a new one Russian cruise missile attack on the Ukrainian port city Odesa on the Black Sea are according to authorities several people were killed and others injured. A Kalibr projectile hit a storage building and started a fire there, the high command of the Ukrainian Army Group South wrote on Facebook. Three camp workers were killed and seven injured. People could still be lying under the rubble of the camp.

Odessa, again fired upon by a Russian warship from the Black Sea was repeatedly the target of Russian attacks. Also on Saturday there were dead in a fire and more than two dozen injured.

A total of four Kalibr cruise missiles were shot down, the high command in Odessa said. As a result of a dogfight and a blast wave, a business center, an education building, a residential complex, a diner and shops in the city center were damaged. According to the first findings, six were injured, it said.

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