Ukraine-News: According to Ukraine, Russia shells city at the Zaporizhia nuclear power station during the arrival of the IAEA team

The organization that won the Nobel Peace Prize International Doctors for the Prevention of Nuclear War makes up for one Negotiated solution in the Ukraine war strong. “We advocate a negotiated peace and a reconciliation of interests instead of trying to achieve a military victory without considering civilian casualties,” says Angelika Claussen, chairwoman of the German section of the organization with the international abbreviation IPPNW, in Berlin. Especially the dangerous escalation of the situation around the Russian-occupied Zaporizhia nuclear power plant show the urgency of a ceasefire in the conflict.

The organization published a paper on anti-war day on Thursday, in which work that had already begun Initiatives for a negotiation path including the ten-point plan presented by Ukraine in Istanbul in March and a peace plan drawn up by Italy in May. “With every day that the war lasts longer, more people are killed, physically injured or psychologically traumatized. With every day, the risk that the war will spread or escalate to other states increases,” the paper says. They showed that agreements with Russia were possible successful negotiations on grain exports from Ukraine.

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