Ukraine discovers camouflaged tanks and destroys them and their occupants

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Of: Tim Vincent Dicke, Lucas Maier

Russia suffers heavy losses in the Ukraine war. Meanwhile, most of the kamikaze drones are shot down. The news ticker.

+++ 7.30 p.m.: In southern Ukraine, a squad of paratroopers spotted Russian forces’ camouflaged tanks. As a result, they and their occupants were taken under artillery fire and destroyed, as reported by the press service of the Ukrainian paratroopers.

The service also released video of the artillery attack, showing the tanks being destroyed. An independent review was not possible at this point.

Heavy losses for Russia: Ukraine kills over 50 soldiers in the south

+++ 7 p.m.: The Ukrainian army has also reported successes from the south of the country. According to the South Command, it carried out around 190 rocket and mortar attacks.

Ukraine War: In the south, camouflaged tanks were destroyed by artillery fire by Ukrainian troops. (Archive image) © Leo Correa/dpa

According to the information, 53 Russian soldiers were killed in the attacks. In addition, two mortars, a large-caliber self-propelled howitzer Akazija, two armored fighting vehicles and two earthen bunkers were destroyed. The information has not yet been independently verified.

+++ 5.45 p.m.: The Armed Forces of Ukraine report successes from the Kherson region. In a video released by the Ukrainian army, a supposedly Russian position can be seen being attacked with a main battle tank.

The 28th Armored Brigade of Ukraine wrote on Facebook: “The invaders tried to keep their positions in the fields of Kherson secret. However, they will not be able to elude our armored units. The enemy (the Russian army) suffered honest casualties and had to retreat.” How many casualties the attack on the Russian position resulted in is not yet known. The information has not yet been independently verified.

Ukraine destroys barracks and kills ten officers

+++ 3.55 p.m.: Ukraine has according to their own statements destroyed a Russian barracks in Luhansk Oblast. About 60 Russian military personnel are said to have been killed, including at least ten officers. This was announced by the governor of the Luhansk region Serhii Haidai.

News about the Ukraine war: the terror of the kamikaze drones is getting smaller

+++ 2.31 p.m.: Will Russia soon have to resort to a new tactic? Iran’s kamikaze drones provided Russian momentum in the war against Ukraine – but the fear of unmanned aerial vehicles seems to be diminishing at least a little. According to their own statements, the Ukrainian armed forces are now shooting down around 80 percent of the drones.

“The effectiveness of our air defense system remains at a fairly high level: 79 percent of enemy drones are shot down. In the last day alone, our anti-aircraft defenses destroyed 18 out of 20 kamikaze drones,” Brigadier General Oleksii Hromov said at a military briefing in the capital, Kyiv. According to Hromov, the Ukrainian defenders also shot down six Russian Ka-52, Mi-24 and Mi-28 attack helicopters last week.

“Therefore, we can congratulate all Russian Air Force crews on their upcoming professional vacation, which will take place tomorrow. They can fly in and we will shoot them down,” Hromov said. The information could not be independently verified.

Russia is driving its own soldiers “to their deaths” in Ukraine

Update from Thursday, October 27, 11:51 a.m.: Volodymyr Zelenskyy has the procedure Russia again convicted in Ukraine war. According to the Ukrainian President, the “madness of the Russian command” is currently most evident in the region around Donetsk. “Day after day and for months they drive people to their deaths there,” said the Ukrainian President in a speech on Wednesday evening (October 26). Russia, meanwhile, continues to record heavy losses.

Russia’s Ukraine War Losses: 320 Soldiers Killed

First report from Thursday, October 27th: Kyiv – For Kremlin boss Wladimir Putin the Ukraine war is still not going as hoped from Russia’s point of view. The Russian army has suffered heavy casualties in the fighting, and many soldiers have lost their lives in the neighboring country. War equipment is also being destroyed in large numbers by the Ukrainian fighters.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has now released the latest figures on Russian losses. Within a day, Ukrainian soldiers could have killed another 320 enemy fighters. Among other things, it was also possible to destroy a fighter jet, a military helicopter, three tanks and 13 armored fighting vehicles. “Beat the occupier! Let’s win together! “It was said by the Ministry from Kyiv.

Russia’s losses in the Ukraine war: new figures known

  • Soldiers: 69,220 (+320 on the previous day)
  • planes: 271 (+1)
  • Helicopter: 249 (+1)
  • Tank: 2631 (+3)
  • Armored Fighting Vehicles: 5364 (+13)
  • Artillery Systems: 1690 (+4)
  • Air defense systems: 192 (+0)
  • Multiple Rocket Launcher Systems: 379 (+0)
  • Cars and other vehicles: 4078 (+2)
  • Ships: 16 (+0)
  • Unmanned Combat Drones: 1398 (+19)
  • As of Thursday 27 October 2022
  • The information on Russia’s losses in the Ukraine war comes from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. They cannot be independently verified. The Kremlin itself gives very little information about its own losses.

The Ukrainian Air Force provided more detailed information on the downed Russian aircraft in its Telegram channel. “On October 27 at around 8 a.m., a unit of the Kherson anti-aircraft missile brigade of the Southern Air Command shot down a Russian Ka-52 attack helicopter,” the Air Force wrote in the messenger service. 40 minutes later, a Su-25 fighter plane was destroyed in the Odessa region. The Luftwaffe spoke of a “morning of good news”. (with agencies)

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