Ukraine: Army chief Saluzhny warns of trench warfare

Putin’s invasion
“Russia must not be underestimated”: Ukrainian army chief warns of trench warfare

Valeriy Salushnyj with an officer during a commemoration ceremony to mark the one-year anniversary of the Ukraine War.

© Uncredited/Ukrainian Presidential Press Office/AP/dpa

Large parts of Ukraine, which was attacked by Russia, are littered with treacherous landmines. The ground attacks are also increasingly turning into trench warfare. The Ukrainian commander in chief, Valeriy Zalushnyj, warns of the dangers.

The ground war in the Ukraine has become deadlocked – and the Ukrainian commander in chief, Valeriy Zalushnyj, sees this as a great danger. Only a leap in technology can open a way out of this trench warfare, the general wrote in an article for the British magazine “The Economist”. “Trench warfare lasts a long time and poses enormous risks for the armed forces of Ukraine and for the state.” Standstill on the battlefield only helps Russia to compensate for the losses of its army.

Ukraine has been fending off a large-scale Russian invasion for more than 20 months. The Ukrainian General Staff also recorded numerous ground battles along the almost 1,000 kilometer long front in the east and south of the country on Wednesday. Thursday marks the 617th day of the war. Meanwhile, President Volodymyr Zelenskyj invoked the unity of Europe and said his country would make a strong contribution to it.

Technology needs to be improved

Ukraine especially needs aircraft, Saluzhnyj wrote. The lack of cover from the air is considered to be one reason why the Ukrainian ground offensive has made little progress this summer. Kiev can only expect the promised F-16 fighter jets from various countries next year. Improved drones would have to make up for the lack of fighter aircraft, the general concluded. The key to success in drone warfare is improved electronic warfare to disrupt and intercept Russian aircraft. Russia is superior on this point.

The Ukrainian army also needs to be better equipped to combat Russian artillery positions. “Currently we have achieved parity with Russia through smaller but more accurate firepower. But this will not last,” Zalushny wrote. Ukraine also needs modern equipment for mine clearance because the Russian army has created mine belts up to 20 kilometers deep.

“Russia must not be underestimated,” wrote the commander-in-chief. The enemy has lost many soldiers and President Vladimir Putin is afraid of general mobilization. But Ukraine also has problems building up reserves. The circle of men subject to military service must be expanded.

Unlike the recapture of large areas last year, Ukrainian hopes of gaining territory have hardly been fulfilled this summer. However, Ukrainian defenders have weakened Russia’s positions in Crimea and pushed the Russian navy out of the western Black Sea. Zelensky and his leadership maintain the liberation of all occupied territories as a war goal.

Mines killed 264 civilians in Ukraine

Since the start of the Russian invasion, 264 civilians have been killed by mines in Ukraine. The transport authority and the Ministry of Defense said 571 people were injured. Most mining accidents occurred in fields (145), on roads (125) or in gardens (117). The authorities warned against approaching or even touching the explosive devices. The Russian army has mined large parts of Ukraine. But Ukrainian troops have also laid mines for self-protection.

After a large Russian air strike with 20 combat drones on Wednesday night, Zelensky also warned the population to take air alerts seriously and to take refuge in shelters. This applies to cities close to the front such as Kharkiv, Zaporizhia or Kherson, to border areas such as Sumy or Chernihiv, he said in his video address. “It’s important to be careful and not carelessly put yourself in danger.”

Zelenskyj calls for European unity

In the speech, Zelensky called Ukraine an important part of a future united Europe. “I am confident that Ukraine will make our Europe stronger than ever. And we are working as hard as possible to ensure that nothing stands in the way of our joining the European Union.”

He recalled the entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty 30 years ago on November 1, 1993. This laid “the foundation for modern European unification,” said Zelensky. The treaty established the European Union with an economic and monetary union and a common foreign and security policy.

Zelensky said that there are voices critical of Europe in many EU member states – often especially in states that are important for maintaining peace and order in Europe. He didn’t give any examples. But the EU has always proven that it can overcome crises and become stronger “when Europe’s enemies only expect weakness,” emphasized the president.

The Ukrainian military continues to expect numerous Russian attacks on the ground and air strikes. The situation is particularly tense in the Ukrainian-controlled city of Avdiivka in Donbass. The Russian army suffers heavy losses in soldiers and technology when attempting to conquer the city. Nevertheless, it is getting closer and closer to the Ukrainian supply lines.


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