Ukraine: Ambassador about Ritter Sport – “Square. Practical. Blood”

sanctions against Russia
Ukrainian ambassador railed against Ritter Sport: “Square. Practical. Blood.”

Andriy Melnyk, Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany

© Christian Spicker / Imago Images

Despite the war in Ukraine, Ritter Sport is continuing its business in Russia. The Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk finds clear words for this on Twitter.

A number of Western corporations have withdrawn from Russia. The sanctions are in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The chocolate manufacturer Ritter Sport, based in Waldenbuch in Swabia, is one of the companies that are continuing their business in Russia – much to the displeasure of the Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, Andriy Melnyk. The diplomat finds clear words for the actions of Ritter Sport on Twitter.

“Square. Practical. Blood. Despite the Russian aggression against Ukraine, Ritter Sport remains in Russia. Good luck,” writes Melnyk in a post on the platform. He uses the famous and memorable advertising slogan of the chocolate brand “Square. Practical. Good.” up and change it. The ambassador is citing a satirical account on Twitter, which advertises a fictitious “war edition” of the chocolate in a macabre montage.

Other companies that continue to do business in Russia have also been pilloried in recent weeks. A professor at the US elite university Yale, for example, lists such companies in a list of shame and at the same time names those who have cut their business with Russia. More than 400 Western companies have withdrawn from Russia since the beginning of the war (the star reported). An easier step for some than for others.

Business with Russia despite the war in Ukraine

The boss of Ritter Sport Andreas Ronken said in an interview with the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” in mid-March: “The terrible war in Ukraine is a shock for all of us. We support many humanitarian organizations.” Why his company is still allowing the Russian business to continue: “As a family business, we take responsibility for our employees. Stopping the business would not really help to end the invasion, but it would have a direct, major impact on our employees in Russia and ultimately on us too as an independent, medium-sized family business, down to the cocoa farmers in the supply chain. However, we have stopped investments such as local advertising.”

Closing down the business would not affect those responsible for the war and would not contribute to de-escalation, Ronken continued. “We don’t have any political ties. Chocolate isn’t that important. We’re not Siemens or anything.”

Swell:, FAZ


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