Two years after the murder of her daughter Lola, aged 12, whose body was found in a trunk in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, Delphine confided in the Figaro. The trial of Dahbia B., in an irregular situation and subject to an obligation to leave the territory, should take place during the year 2025. She was indicted for “murder and rape with acts of torture and barbarity on a minor under less than 15 years old.
The mother, still on sick leave and who has been followed by a psychologist since the tragedy, hopes that this trial can help her “understand”. She wants “the other [sa façon de nommer la suspecte] pay,” she told the national media. Delphine “waits to know what she is going to say” and “her answers”. “We always ask ourselves the question why. Why did “the other do that”? Why Lola? Why all this? For what ? », she asks, aware that she may not get the answers she expects. “I feel a lot of anger towards this person. »
Dahbia B. “destroyed everything” in Delphine’s life
Last February, Delphine’s husband died of a heart attack. According to her, it is a consequence of the death of their daughter. He had started drinking again after the tragedy. “His body didn’t hold up,” she says. We lost him from day one. We did everything and tried everything, but there was nothing more we could do. […] He no longer ate, no longer slept, he had lost I don’t know how many kilos…”
Our file on Lola’s murder
For her, Dahbia B. “destroyed everything”. She assures: “My life was very good before. We are from Pas-de-Calais. My husband and I had the opportunity to go to Paris in 2003 and become building caretakers as a couple. […] My daughter, my husband, our job… Everything was shattered. I will always have this scar, no one can take it away from me. » Delphine confides to the newspaper that she manages to “hold on” thanks to her son, Thibault. “If he wasn’t here, I wouldn’t be here anymore,” she whispers.