Two troublemakers on the RTL program “Stern TV” – Medien


Harold Hordych

Interference during a live broadcast is annoying. On the one hand. On the other hand, there is hardly a better opportunity in the role of moderator to show how far one has come in terms of strength of character, quick-wittedness and nonchalance – there is only potential for improvement if the guest turns out to be a troublemaker himself. Steffen Hallaschka, one of two regular moderators of the RTL show, has the latest example of walking the fine line, being authoritarian and charming at the same time, i.e. keeping an eye on order but still not disturbing the cheerful mood Star TV, laid down. Hallaschka had the winner of the on Wednesday RTL jungle camps Djamila Rowe as a guest on a kind of jungle stage. Something like that has the aftertaste of adulation in the broadcaster’s own business, logically, but Hallaschka then made the best advertising for himself through his disruptive crisis management.

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