Two Ghanaian girls attacked in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Status: 15.06.2024 13:00

On Friday evening, a group of around 20 young people are said to have attacked and insulted two girls from Ghana in Grevesmühlen. According to police, one of the perpetrators kicked a girl in the face.

On Friday evening, a racially motivated attack took place on two eight- and ten-year-old Ghanaian girls in Grevesmühlen (Northwest Mecklenburg district). As the police announced today, the perpetrators are said to have kicked the younger girl in the face, among other things.

Parents intervene and are also attacked

The attackers were up to eight people from a group of 20 young people. They are said to have used violence against the two girls at around 7:30 p.m. on Ploggenseering. When the children’s parents arrived, the perpetrators attacked them too. The father and his younger daughter were taken to hospital with minor injuries. An unknown person is said to have insulted the victims of the attack with xenophobic comments. The police are investigating on suspicion of breach of the peace, dangerous bodily harm, incitement and insult and are looking for witnesses.

Mayor: There is no excuse for the act

The mayor of Grevesmühlen, Lars Prahler (independent), reacted with shock to the attack. “This racially motivated act simply leaves me speechless. It shows bottomless hatred and uninhibited inhumanity and cannot be excused. Not even by the fact that it [die Täter] young people,” said Prahler in an interview with NDR 1 Radio MV. He expressed his sympathy to the children and their families. He would try to contact them as soon as possible. The town festival in Grevesmühlen is to take place on Saturday despite the incident. “Because we do not want to let such actions by fringe groups dictate how we want to live together as a town society,” explained Prahler.

Making a statement in difficult times

“I think we are living in very difficult times right now, where complex problems are on the streets and it is easy for those who use stupid slogans and simple solutions to capture people, as people catchers,” Prahler continues. It is also time for the majority of society, which rejects the drift into racist views of humanity, to make its voice heard and take a stand.

Pegel condemns attack

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s Interior Minister Christian Pegel (SPD) also strongly condemned the attack on the two Ghanaian girls. “You don’t attack people, especially not children and certainly not for racist reasons,” Pegel said on Saturday. There is no place for racism in society.

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NDR 1 Radio MV | News from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania | 15.06.2024 | 08:00 a.m.

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