Twelve Bavarian mayors show solidarity with the Ukraine – Munich district

The mayor of Pullach, Susanna Millennium (Greens), signed a declaration together with the heads of eleven other Bavarian municipalities with sister cities in the Ukraine, in which they condemned the invasion of the Russian army and assured the people in the beleaguered country of their solidarity. It is an urgent concern for them to draw attention to the fact “that these blatant violations of international law in Ukraine will not be accepted by us,” says the paper, which, according to the thousand friend, was published “quickly” by the mayor of the municipality of Eichenau, Peter Münster (FDP), and she was put on herself.

“We are shocked by the developments in Russian aggression, including a military attack on the whole of Ukraine today. Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine,” it said. Since 2014, Ukraine has given a shining signal for a growing, young democracy in Europe. In recent years, the strengthened local self-government has increasingly become the guarantor of a stable system, the very foundations of which are now being threatened by the Russian Federation.

“For years, starting as early as 1989/90, we have known the people of all regions of Ukraine and we work together in many areas. We sincerely hope that the impact on the people of Ukraine and on our partner municipalities and their Cities and villages remain as small as possible. We hope that everyone can stay healthy and that no more people fall victim to this terrible war. Our solidarity goes to the people of Ukraine and we will do everything we can to protect our partnerships and the people who live there to continue to support them to the best of our ability,” promise the signatories.

Almost all ways to help are currently cut off. Still, they want to look for new opportunities. “We want the people of Ukraine to be able to democratically determine their future in peace and freedom. This basis of international law, which the Russian Federation has blatantly violated in an unjustifiable way with military force, must regain validity,” it says finally in the joint declaration, which was also signed by Schäftlarn’s mayor Christian Fürst (CSU) and Munich’s mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD).

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