Tweets of the Week: Secret Candy Hiding Places

Tweets of the week
“You can’t explain the computer to your parents as often as they picked up your thrown toy.”

Toys and sweets belong to Christmas!

© FamVeld / Getty Images

Between free burgers and snow angels: the worries and joys of family life are diverse. Our tweets of the week give a little insight.

Have fun with the best family tweets of the week – and wonderful Christmas days!

The word for the weekend

Every Friday we select the tweets on Twitter that have impressed us over the past week. Either because they were particularly funny or because they address topics that we think are important. Because family life is not always sunshine, we all experience things that we could have done without. But they are at least as important and should also get our attention. Only in this way can something change and ideally improve in our society. It is therefore inevitable that cheerful and serious tweets meet here. It reflects what Forrest Gump has already learned from his mom: “Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know, what you’re gonna get.”

Thank you for the anecdotes from your family life, they enrich our lives – and often also the last working day before the weekend (if there is no weekend shift …)! At the request of a fan, we have created our own page on which you can also find the old collections of tweets.

Thanks also for your emails, in which you let us know that the tweets of the week will herald the weekend for you too! 🥰

Ü-Eggs: Figures are worth a small fortune among collectors.

You can see in the video: Ü-Ei figures over 1500 euros – this “Happy Hippo” is worth a small fortune.

If you experience things that deserve more space than an embedded tweet, please send us an email at [email protected]. If we see potential in the topic because it could be interesting, inspiring or otherwise important for many people, we will get back to you. Some things start with small observations and only become big when many people have noticed a similar phenomenon or problem. We look forward to your inspirations!


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