TV two-parter on 3Sat: The life of Bertolt Brecht

He has already brought Thomas Mann and Albrecht Speer closer to the Germans. In 2019, filmmaker Heinrich Breloer also took on the life of poet Bertolt Brecht and turned it into a two-part docu-drama. 3Sat shows the two-parter on Saturday, February 4th, from 8.15 p.m in one piece. The director is not only interested in the aesthetics and the political turmoil – Breloer pays great attention to the love life of the artist, who was born in Augsburg in 1898 and is played by Tom Schilling (young) and Burghart Klaußner (old). The young Brecht is very different from the politically severe state poet that later generations of schoolboys will come to know. During his time in Augsburg he was a romantic enthusiast, wrote love songs for the guitar and passionately wooed the student Paula Banholzer (Mala Emde).


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