“TV total”: New edition brings strong quota

“TV total”
New edition brings strong quota

Sebastian Pufpaff has taken over the moderation of “TV total”

© ProSieben / Willi Weber

A strong start: the new edition of “TV total” on ProSieben achieved a solid rate of 27.2 percent on Wednesday evening.

“TV total” is back on German television after a six-year break. The show, now hosted by Sebastian Pufpaff (45), reached 27.2 percent of 14 to 49-year-old viewers with its first show on Wednesday evening.

“We haven’t been able to do that for a long time”

The total audience is said to have seen 2.86 million viewers. This made “TV total” the most successful show of yesterday. ProSieben was also proud of the quota. The broadcaster tweeted: “Market leader on Wednesday. We haven’t been able to do that for a long time.”

The viewers were sure to feel nostalgic in the first broadcast of the new edition: The studio looked almost like it used to, including the stairs, color scheme and moving platform. The Heavytones provided background music again. And the nipple board, which plays small clips and sounds at the push of a button, was also used again.

Stefan Raab (55) is now involved in the show as a producer in the background. Unlike in the past, “TV total” will not be shown four times a week, but only on Wednesday evenings.

Also “Wetten, dass ..?” was “punished”

Thematically, however, it should again be a matter of scrutinizing German television, and now also podcasts, or, as Pufpaff put it, “punishing” it. In the first show, a show that was also dripping with nostalgia got a lot of attention: “Wetten, dass ..?” with Thomas Gottschalk (71) last Saturday.


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