Tutzing: Commentary on planned Islamic burial sites – Starnberg

Tutzing is on the way to making Islamic burial sites in the forest cemetery possible. After the abolition of the obligation to have a coffin a year ago, it is another – and long overdue – sign to the many Muslims in the country: look, you belong! Namely about the life in which many immigrants have rendered outstanding service to our society beyond any denomination boundaries and have often taken on jobs that some locals feel too good to do. These people have a right to find their final resting place here. Especially those whose parents and grandparents have already lived here – according to the rituals of their culture. But why should that only be possible in Turkey or Tunisia? These people often have little connection to the country of origin of their ancestors. They belong here, if they want to be buried. Against it speaks: nothing. A few changes in the cemetery charter, a few talks – not much more will be needed to clear the way. Big cities like Munich are leading the way.

Tutzing could now show how it’s done. The fact that the main committee unanimously approved a corresponding motion is a good signal. Of course, Tutzing also has to ask why a year had to pass since the abolition of the obligation to have coffins. But a comparison with other communities in the district shows that this is whining at a high level.

It is now up to those responsible to help the potential flagship project to be successful. This requires further talks with the Islamic center so that in the end all sides are satisfied and no misunderstanding or paragraph blocks the idea. Tutzing can now show what is still possible.

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