Tutankhamun reveals his treasure and mysteries in Strasbourg

The Pharaonic exhibition Tutankhamun, discovering the forgotten pharaoh has just made a stopover in Strasbourg. It has taken over hall 5 of the Parc des Expositions for the next five months and aims to be immersive. The opportunity is given to visitors to discover replicas of the treasures which accompanied the pharaoh in his tomb but also to access the stories of the British archaeologist Howard Carterthe other hero of the exhibition, whose research was financed by his wealthy patron Lord Carnavon.

A journey through time, discovering ancient archaeological practices and the mysteries surrounding the death of the pharaoh born around 1342 BC, son of the great Akhenaten and died at the age of 18 after only nine years of reign. Relive, like the famous British archaeologist, that day of November 26, 1922 when he finally entered, after long years of research and for the first time in 3,300 years, the tomb of Tutankhamun, forgotten and well hidden in the Valley of the Kings. A tomb found intact with its fabulous treasure, its solid gold sarcophagus, its golden mask, gold statues, alabaster objects, weapons, chariots covered in gold leaf, shields. In total, thousands of objects that the archaeologist will take ten years to inventory.

The richness of the exhibition lies in the details

In Strasbourg, the exhibition on Tutankhamun also presents three funerary chambers, reconstructed using techniques from the period. An exhibition rich in 242 objects, replicas created in Egypt by the Supreme Council of Antiquities Replica Production Unit and from the workshops of the Cairo Museum. Objects authenticated by the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, but which may still disappoint those who hope to see “real mummies” made of bones and strips or real original pieces, as was the case during the recent exhibition Ramses, the gold of the pharaohs, presented in Paris.

An exhibition that is nevertheless educational and comprehensive, to be followed if possible with a guide, or failing that, with the audio guide, because its real richness is often found in the details and the videos which are presented throughout this beautiful journey.

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