Trump insults the judge and prosecutor at the start of the trial

As of: October 3rd, 2023 4:45 a.m

At the start of the trial over fraud allegations, ex-US President Trump once again portrayed himself as a victim – and sharply attacked both the judge and the attorney general.

Through a sea of ​​cameras, a small group of demonstrators crowd outside the New York courthouse. They celebrate Attorney General Letitia James, who is about to step in front of the microphone. She will be successful in court against Trump, says James, underlining her message: “No matter how powerful someone is, no matter how much money someone thinks they have – no one is above the law.”

Shortly afterwards, the defendant appears in front of the camera in the courthouse. Donald Trump is clearly enjoying his appearance – and using it for his political campaign. As he has done so often, the ex-president speaks of the greatest witch hunt of all time. And then insults rain down.

Judge Arthur Engoron is a villain. And the African-American Attorney General is racist and a “horror show” – she only ran to get him, Trump – even though she knew nothing about him.

Judge: Trump is guilty

His financial records are phenomenal, Trump said. Judge Engoron had already ruled in advance that Trump, two of his sons, his daughter Ivanka and ten of his companies could be held liable for fraud. In management, they are said to have made their finances larger or smaller depending on their needs – in order to pay less taxes or to get loans more easily.

Judge Engoron has already ordered that business certificates for the Trump Organization and other companies be canceled. They should be placed under supervision and disbanded. Trump would lose control of some of his most valuable real estate. He might have to sell his Trump Tower. He ranted: The whole process was a lie and a deception.

Appearance with PR effect

Trump then took a seat on the defense bench in the courtroom. His lawyer said in his opening statement: The real estate entrepreneur’s information about his assets was “true and correct.” In addition, banks made their own estimates.

Trump made a conscious appearance with his voluntary presence, says renowned New York defense attorney Ron Kuby: “If he wants to double or triple his fan base, that’s clever. Because many people there are wondering how anyone can be against him.”

“Extremely important process”

A lot depends on the possible sentence at the end of the trial for Trump, says lawyer Kuby: “The civil trial is not as sexy as a criminal trial, which can put Donald Trump in prison. But it is extremely important.” The media in the USA only realized late how important this process was for Trump’s financial well-being, said Kuby. And that is one of the most important things he cares about – besides generating attention.

For the first time, Trump will be held personally accountable for his crimes. A demonstrator in court is happy about this. She is here to support the Attorney General: “And to thank her for finally holding Trump accountable. He was a chief criminal for decades. We New Yorkers knew that. It’s time for America and the whole world to do that understand.”

Trump’s supporters don’t care about lawsuits

But that hasn’t changed the popularity among Trump’s supporters so far. The 77-year-old currently remains the overwhelming favorite in polls in the race for the Republican presidential nomination – despite his numerous judicial problems.

A fan in court is also convinced that these are all campaigns: “They don’t want him to run again. But I do. I’m here to support my president. The greatest president in America, perhaps in the world.”

28 witnesses are to be questioned in the next few weeks. A verdict and the possible announcement of the sentence are not expected until next January. In addition to the New York civil case, Trump has been charged in four criminal cases. Two indictments concern Trump’s attempts to overturn the outcome of the 2020 presidential election and thereby stay in power.

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