Travel: Europe is home to the world’s most dangerous natural wonders

Watch the video: Travel Ranking – Europe is home to the world’s most dangerous natural wonders.

The raw nature impresses with its beauty and attracts many people to remote places.
But in addition to impressive structures and landscapes, they also harbor many dangers and push some people to their limits.
The booking portal Holidu has ranked the world’s most dangerous natural wonders.
The number of fatalities, the accident and injury rate of the visitors was taken into account.
In addition to national parks and cliffs, the top 10 most dangerous natural wonders are mountains.
Kilimanjaro and Mount Everest rank 5th and 4th on the list.
On the podium: Japan’s highest mountain, Mount Fuji. The holy mountain attracts about 300,000 tourists annually. On average, seven of them die ascension. 11 people are seriously injured. Especially the cold and unpredictable weather at the summit in the off-season make Mount Fuji so dangerous.
Runner-up: The Ben Nevis. The largest mountain massif in Scotland and Great Britain attracts around 225,000 hikers every year. 125,000 people make the ascent, but three people die trying. 20 others sustain injuries. Most of them underestimate the weather and lose sight and orientation in fog and snow, for example.
The inglorious first place in the ranking goes to the highest mountain in the Alps, Mont Blanc.
The approximately 4,800 meter high peak attracts around 30,000 mountaineers and hobby adventurers every year. However, according to media reports, the dangerous ascent claims an average of around 100 lives a year. 22 more suffer accidents.

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