Travel Column: Tequila for US President Biden – Travel

Probably no US president has been so ascetic as not to have a well-stocked bar on board Air Force One. For the current incumbent Joe Biden, the Boeing company is currently converting two aircraft so that they will meet the presidential requirements for business travel in the future. Biden is a teetotaler, but it is to be hoped that his entourage can have two or three Bourbons when they fly back to the USA from state visits to Boris Johnson or Jair Bolsonaro.

But now there is excitement at the Boeing site in San Antonio, Texas, where the planes are being prepared for delivery to the White House. Because the on-board bar in one of the machines was looted before it could be set up. In any case, there were two empty tequila bottles there.

Drunk employees who tinker with the presidential machine and for whom the alcohol also loosens their tongues – a horror for anyone who is even remotely responsible for the safety of the head of state. Because the fact that the bottles are still from his predecessor Trump, who once again did not clean up, can be ruled out. They’re new planes, after all. A meticulous investigation has therefore been announced.

The paranoiacs should relax in the security apparatus. Because even if they should catch a fitter who has one in the crown: After the past four years, they should have had enough experience with mobbing people who gain access to the presidential machine.

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