Transfer BTC off Exchange for Free, No Fees, With FTX

Today, let’s take care of the HODL Bitcoin line in the long run. which for anyone in the industry Cryptocurrency For a period of time, you will find If we want to keep our crypto assets as safe as possible. We should keep them in our hardware wallets, according to our personal favorite saying “Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins.” “Storing our crypto assets on different exchanges is not ours. Because we do not control the Private Key by ourselves, it is the Exchange that controls the Private Key and our coins.”

If we want to keep crypto assets like Bitcoin by ourselves, today there are many brands of hardware wallets to choose from. But the important thing is not what brand it is? How expensive is it? But another important thing that people tend to miss and forget is “Fees for Withdrawing Bitcoins from Exchanges”

to say that it is important because If you are a DCA line or keep collecting and keep withdrawing Bitcoin from the exchange, the fees that we lose are not small at all. And I believe that many people do not know that “FTX” is one of the exchanges that almost never charge a deposit or withdrawal fee. Only certain assets are charged. And one of the assets that FTX does not charge fees for deposits or withdrawals is Bitcoin.

FTX will charge a fee for deposits or withdrawals only for a small amount of Bitcoin. If the transaction amount of Bitcoin withdraws exceeds 0.01 BTC, we will be able to withdraw at any time without any fees. But if the transaction is withdrawing Bitcoin with an amount of less than 0.01 BTC, then we will be able to transfer for free only 1 time per day.

And if we are a DCA line or buy a long-term collector already, if it is a DCA that has a long-term savings purchase only once a month, it’s not much to think about. Because it can be withdrawn for free anyway, whether it’s a large amount or a small amount, FTX is considered to be a great answer to this issue.

And if you look at the fees for Bitcoin withdrawals of other exchanges, you will see that each exchange has a different fee. 0.0005 BTC (about 500 baht) or an exchange that has a lot of Thai people trading like has a fee that is up to 0.001 BTC (about 1,000 baht). have a lot of money Being subject to a transfer fee of up to 500 1,000 baht makes it not worth it at all.

***Bitcoin withdrawal fee rates based on CryptoFeeSaver***

Today, I will teach you “How to Transfer BTC from Exchange for Free, No Fee with FTX”.

First, we have to deposit money. By clicking on the word “deposit” in the USD (USD) field (first picture), it will bring up our USD deposit options (second picture). We can choose to deposit as Credit/Dedit Card, Wire Transfer or Stablecoin as well, which if recommended to deposit as stablecoin is the easiest and most cost-effective way, which FTX supports many stablecoins such as USDC, BUSD, HUSD, TUSD, USDP, including USDT and most importantly. That is, FTX does not charge deposit fees.

After depositing and buying Bitcoin successfully When you want to withdraw to the Hardware Wallet, click on “Withdraw” in the Bitcoin (BTC) field (Figure one), you will see a window for this withdrawal (Figure two).

– Enter the Bitcoin Address received from the Hardware Wallet (repeat not to save Bitcoin Address because it will generate a new address all the time) and do not forget to check the front and back of the address again.

– In the Withdraw Method box, select the default value “Any”.

– Enter 2FA successfully to confirm Bitcoin withdrawal.

– It will be noted that the Estimated Fee or withdrawal fee is equal to 0 BTC itself.

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