Traffic: New regulations in the road traffic regulations come into force

New regulations in the road traffic regulations come into force

For example, in playgrounds, busy school routes and pedestrian crossings, it will be easier for municipalities to impose a speed limit of 30 km/h. (

For example, in playgrounds, busy school routes and pedestrian crossings, it will be easier for municipalities to impose a speed limit of 30 km/h. (archive image) photo

© Andreas Arnold/dpa

Municipalities cannot simply impose parking zones or 30 km/h zones. With a change to the road traffic regulations coming into force, this will now be easier for you.

Bus lanes, cycle paths and 30 km/h zones will be easier to set up locally in the future. To protect against rear-end collisions, there are also stricter requirements for trucks. This is provided for by new regulations in road traffic law that come into force this Friday. Corresponding changes to the Road Traffic and Fines Catalog Ordinance passed the Federal Council in July. This Thursday they were published in the Federal Law Gazette and will come into force the following day.

A spokeswoman for the Federal Ministry of Transport said that states and municipalities would be able to respond more flexibly to special local requirements in the future. The standard speed limit of 50 km/h in urban areas remains. Speed ​​limits of 30 will be made possible where this effectively brings more safety, such as playgrounds, busy school routes and pedestrian crossings. The establishment of 30 km/h zones has so far been linked to stricter requirements. “There will not be a nationwide speed limit of 30,” emphasized the spokeswoman.


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